When Words are not Enough


I'm not going to pretend that I can answer the age-old question of what is art. But, one thing that I can say is that art is a form of communication. As an artist, especially when you are starting out, you are always told that you need to find your voice. The problem is that a voice is not something that you acquire by studying or following certain steps or instructions. Your voice will come after many years of pouring your soul into your work. In the meantime, even if your work is not fully voiceless, you may still need to find the visual vocabulary to express yourself truthfully.

Photographers are visual storytellers. We use our visual language to show the world what we see through our lens. And we can spend our whole careers trying to find our voice, only to realise that if we finally find it we will probably be the last ones to notice.

Ever since I was a child, I was always the relative or the friend who had a camera. Wherever we went, people always expected me to take their photos and tell the stories of our trips or gatherings. However, growing up I never considered it as a possible career. I come from a part of the world where the arts are not valued and where family encourages you to pursue careers in science, technology or law instead.

Despite the lack of support, I had a teacher at school who always encouraged me to read, write and appreciate the arts. I became an avid reader and writer, and for a long time, I thought that if I ever left my day job I would become a writer.

Looking back, I can see now that it wasn't about writing or about a specific medium to express myself. It was about telling stories. That is why I feel that at some point I came to the realisation that I could use photography to tell my own stories.

I don't think that I have a voice yet. I can feel the words stuck in my throat trying to make their way out through my visual vocal cords. But they still need to properly take shape before they can come out. I'm still at that place in my career where I'm examining the world around me and trying to find answers to all the questions that come to my mind.

Our role as artists and photographers is to look around and try to make sense of the world that surrounds us. By studying it and interpreting it, we can present it to society and offer a different perspective on the issues that we care for.

Making art is like trying to have a conversation with another person in a very noisy space. The other can see you opening and closing your mouth, but the words that come out of it are unintelligible until you find that one person who can finally understand what you are trying to say. From there, you spend the rest of your life trying to find those people who can get your message.

If art is a communication channel, then photography is the language that we use to encourage others to question their own realities. When words are not enough, our work gives shape to our thoughts, our concerns and our emotions.

Photo credit: behind the scenes by Andrzej Gruszka.

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When Tears Are Poisonous


Early this year, I took part in a project by artist Mona M. in which she explores the use of tear gas by riot-control police to disperse protesters even if the use of tear gas is prohibited in war. For her project, other participants and I read for the camera the Articles of the Chemical Weapon Convention about riot-control agents in different languages while onions were being chopped within a short distance from us.

Tear gas does not only produce sensory irritation to unarmed protesters, but it can also cause serious and prolonged health effects to anyone exposed to it. The 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibits the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or “other gases”, including lachrymatory gases.

Riot control agents are not allowed as a method of warfare according to the 1993 Chemical Weapon Convention. However, riot-control police all over the world consider this toxic weapon harmless and use it for domestic law enforcement purposes.

When I heard about this project, I was interested in taking part in it because as a child I was exposed to tear gas many times. I grew up in Panama, and in the 70's and 80's the country was controlled by the military dictatorship of Manuel Antonio Noriega and the PRD.

Whenever there were protests against the dictator on the streets, the riot-control officers would disperse protesters using tear gas. As a child, I wasn't involved in those protests but some of them took place right outside my school. The toxic clouds would be blown by the wind directly into the classrooms and we had to rush to close the windows and cover our faces with any piece of cloth that we could find.

No one should have this memory from their childhood, and no child should have to learn that in order to protect themselves from tear gas they must soak a piece of cloth in vinegar and wrap it around their faces. These were instructions that I received as a child from my parents and from my teachers. Go back and read this paragraph again and let that sink in.

In the video performance, we read the Articles of the Chemical Weapon Convention about riot-control agents in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French and Turkish. The onions irritate our eyes and throat, making it impossible for us to read.

Mona M. portrays her work through different languages with an interdisciplinary approach. Her artistic research involves issues like identity and memory. The situations she studies through her research combine her personal memory with ideas rooted in global socio-political values.

You can see the full video on this link. To learn more about the Chemical Weapon Convention, visit the OPCW.

Do you like what you just read? Consider becoming a patron on patreon.com/jccandanedo where you can learn more about my creative process and the stories behind my images. I’d love to have you as part of my Patreon community.

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