LGBT History Month Event: Queer Identity


February is LGBT+ History Month in the UK, and this year I will be hosting on behalf of Out For Good a community conversation and story sharing space about what being queer means to us as individuals and how we fit as LGBTQ+ people in our societies.

Out For Good is a charitable organisation bringing together LGBT+ people across the UK to celebrate LGBTQ+ visibility and work to break down barriers by making a difference in our communities.

The panellists will be sharing individual experiences of growing up queer, with coming out anecdotes, finding love as an LGBTQ+ person stories, and dealing with society in general from family, to work, to our extended communities.

The conversation will take place via zoom on Sunday, February 21st, at 6 p.m. London time.

Register on and you will get the Zoom link before the event.

Don't miss this necessary intergenerational conversation where we will explore our identity and our place in our communities.

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