I’m JC, London-based Visual Artist, and this is “Aberfeldy Stories”, a commission by Poplar Harca and EcoWorld in which we explored via photography and audio stories how the iconic East London neighbourhood of Aberfeldy Village has evolved over the past decade, as well as the lives of the residents within the community. During the project, I got to photograph residents, business owners and community leaders, whose images where exhibited in an open-air showcase at the East India Green in Aberfeldy Village.

The public portrait and audio exhibition showcased the transformation of the Aberfeldy neighbourhood through the lives of the people who live there. The audio stories speak about how their lives have changed since the regeneration began and their hopes and dreams for the future, created in collaboration with local arts collective The People Speak.

I feel incredibly honoured to have been commissioned to photograph the community at Aberfeldy Village! We had such a beautiful opening day!

Hair and makeup by Aaliya Hoke

BTS Photographer Facundo Bustamante

Creative direction Gemma Albone

Production Maleena Pone